
This guide will describe the different steps you have to take to install spotweb on a Synology NAS.

This indexer can then be used as an indexer with sickbeard and couchpotato.

The device I’m using is a DS112+ with DSM 4.1.2636

I basically followed this guide here , adding my comments to it as we go along.

I also assume you have already activated ipkg which will allow you to install additional packages and known how te connect to the synology nas using ssh. If not there are plenty of guides out there, look for some links in previous posts.

Step 1 : installing additional packages

First make sure you are going to download the most recent packages by updating ipkg

ipkg update
ipkg upgrade

Install git, this is a version control client that will allow you to checkout and update the spotweb code. Also install textutils a package used by git.

ipkg install git
ipkg install textutils

Step 2 : Activate a web server and database on your synology


Use a browser to connect to the DSM web interface. Go to Control Panel -> Webservices.


Step 3 : Checkout the spotweb code using git

Go back to the command line console (ssh). Checkout the spotweb code in the path used by the webserver (/volume1/web)

cd /volume1/web
git clone git:// /volume1/web/spotweb
Cloning into '/volume1/web/spotweb'...
remote: Counting objects: 26557, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5971/5971), done.
remote: Total 26557 (delta 20542), reused 26148 (delta 20193)
Receiving objects: 100% (26557/26557), 5.59 MiB | 1.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (20542/20542), done.

Step 4 : Setting up the database

These instruction will setup the database using commandline instructions, alternatively you could also use phpMyAdmin if you like.

If you never created a initial password for the mysql database (or forgot about it), do this:

/usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password NEWPASSWORD

Start the mysql commandline interface

/usr/syno/mysql/bin/mysql -p

Create the spotweb table, user and priviledges

mysql> create database spotweb;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> create user ‘spotweb’@’localhost’ identiefied by ‘password’;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> grant all privileges on spotweb.* to spotweb @’localhost’ identified by ‘password’;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> quit;

 Step 5 : configure spotweb

Connect to the new spotweb installation using your favored browser.


The first page will check if php is installed correctly, if so proceed to the next page.

Here you have to enter the database, user and credentials

Screen Shot 2013-01-06 at 10.06.00

Next page enter your usenet server credentials

Screen Shot 2013-01-06 at 10.10.28

 Next create a admin user with credentials that will allow you to logon to the spotweb web interface

Screen Shot 2013-01-06 at 10.13.54

The information that is displayed next is needed for some additional configuration. Copy the information and save it somewhere.

$dbsettings['engine'] = 'mysql';
$dbsettings['host'] = 'localhost';
$dbsettings['dbname'] = 'spotweb';
$dbsettings['user'] = 'spotweb';
$dbsettings['pass'] = 'password';

From the command console, create a new directory

mkdir -p /volume1/web/.spotweb

create a new file in this directory with nano or vi called

nano /volume1/web/.spotweb/

create a symbolic link of this file to the spotweb installation

cd /volume1/web/spotweb
ln -s ../.spotweb/

Logon in the spotweb user interface and goto Config -> Settings (right top screen)

Screen Shot 2013-01-06 at 10.48.13


Goto the Retrieve tab and configure the retention you would like. (Default is everything)

Screen Shot 2013-01-06 at 10.47.29

There is a retrieve button on the main page to start the retrieval process, or you can run this command from the command line.

cd /volume1/web/spotweb
/usr/bin/php retrieve.php

First time retrieval will take a long time depending on the settings you chose and the retention of the newsserver in question.

Step 6 : Configure Newznab

In order to use spotweb as a newznab source, we need to make some changes to the apache configuration.

Edit httpd.conf-user

nano /usr/syno/apache/conf/httpd.conf-user

After <Directory “/var/services/web”> …… </Directory> add these two lines

# Include external config
Include /volume1/@appstore/.apache_conf/apache.conf

Create the .apache_conf directory

mkdir /volume1/@appstore/.apache_conf

Download some files from dropbox

wget -O /volume1/@appstore/.apache_conf/apache.conf
wget -O /volume1/@appstore/.apache_conf/spotweb.conf

The spotweb.conf file contains some ip authorizations to subnet It could be that you need to change this if you are on a different subnet.


Allow from

or if you want to add access from a single pc

Allow from

After creating or modifying the apache config you need to restart the Apache webserver to activate the new configuration.

/usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/ restart  

Add an access file to allow connection using the newznab API

wget -O /volume1/web/spotweb/.htaccess


Test the configuration with this URL, it should return an xml file.


Step 7 : Automatic retrieval of spots and updates

Setup the necessary scripts for the automatic updates

mkdir /volume1/@appstore/scripts
wget -O /volume1/@appstore/scripts/ –no-check-certificate
chmod a+x /volume1/@appstore/scripts/
wget -O /volume1/@appstore/scripts/ –no-check-certificate
chmod a+x /volume1/@appstore/scripts/spotweb_retr.shwget -O /volume1/@appstore/scripts/ –no-check-certificate
chmod a+x /volume1/@appstore/scripts/
wget -O /volume1/@appstore/scripts/ –no-check-certificate
chmod a+x /volume1/@appstore/scripts/

Add two jobs to the cron configuration

Editing the cron configuration can be tricky, between all parameters there has to be a TAB (no spaces). The command itself however is a considered a single parameter and contains spaces. Basically use tabs before ‘/bin/sh’ and spaces after ‘/bin/sh’.

Add these two lines (if there are other lines in the cron configuration file already, leave them intact)

#minute hour    mday    month   wday    who     command
15      */6     *       *       *       root    /bin/sh /volume1/@appstore/scripts/ > /dev/null
0       */2     *       *       *       root    /bin/sh /volume1/@appstore/scripts/ > /dev/null

Restart the Cron daemon afterwards.

/usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ stop
/usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ start

Each two hours spotweb will be updated, you can check this in the webinterface. Last update timer is show above the Retrieve button on the main page.

Step 8 : Setup Couchpotato

First determine an apikey, you can use the one of the admin user or create a new user for this.

Click the user on the top right in the webinterface and open the ‘change user’ panel. You will find the apikey on the bottom.

Go to Couchpotato configuration panel -> Nzb Providers and add a new newznab provider. Don’t forget to add your apikey.

Screen Shot 2013-01-06 at 13.00.46

Test it by turning off all other Nzb Providers.